California walnuts on the rise

The more the merrier – this is true especially when it comes to California walnuts. In the 2019/20 harvest year, imports of Californian walnuts to Germany have increased significantly. While in-shell walnuts recorded an increase of 7.6%, the import volume of walnut kernels grew by an impressive 45.6%.

To meet the growing demand, California has increased production reaching an estimated 707,604 tons for the current 2020/21 season.

Global demand for high-quality walnuts continues as consumers are wanting to improve their overall health and wellness.  The current megatrends include increased snacking, healthy eating, plant-forward diets, home cooking, home baking and food ingredients that have a longer shelf life. California walnuts fit into all and this is clearly demonstrated by increased consumption. 

Almost 40 % of all German households are concerned about their meat consumption and 29 % try to eat as little meat as possible. About 9 % of consumers eat no meat at all. Walnuts are a nutrient dense alternative that can be used in burgers, tacos, spaghetti sauces and more offering plant-based Omega-3s as well as protein, fiber and a variety of micronutrients.

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